Supporting Christian Homeschooling Families in the East Bay Registration Opens May 25th

Board Members and All Members

Verity Academy East Bay has a volunteer Board of Directors composed of home educating Moms who are committed to private, Christ-honoring, home education. The Board Members are experienced home educators, with several high school graduates between them.  All Board families currently have at least one child whom they are actively homeschooling, enrolled in Verity Academy East Bay. Collectively, the Board is extremely grateful for the privilege and freedom we have to teach our children at home, with the Lord’s help and by His loving grace.

Verity Academy East Bay is composed of families committed to Christ, homeschooling, and to the homeschooling community, teaching toddlers through twelfth graders. We serve each other, taking on a variety of tasks in order to minister, bless, uplift and provide fellowship opportunities for the parents, families and students. We work together to create a community that fosters reliance on Jesus and we assist each other in order to encourage faith and perseverance in the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly work of training, educating, loving and discipling our children. A community of support and friendship is highly valuable to us all. Therefore, we serve one another in love, using the gifts, abilities, time and resources we are each given, much like a family. We believe we are stronger, more patient, better-equipped parent teachers when we support and care for one another together.